
Monday, March 28, 2011

Wow, ok its been 10 days! Warning: this will be a long one! Part 1

Since my last post, I have been wearing all kinds of hats:  single parent/Mr. Mom (no fun!), wanna-be couch potato (I'll explain), and my favorite: busy husband/runner/wanna-be swimmer/cyclist.

About a week and half ago, my wife and daughter went to Iowa to help out my mother-in-law who had surgery (she was diagnosed with breast cancer, discovered early, so she had a mastectomy).  That left me and Mini-me (17 month old Noah) on our own for about 5 days.  Call me Mr. Mom! And the return of the couch potato! (Didn't get to the gym at all, and too cold to run with Noah.....) Well, not really according to Noah, he prefers the real Mommy lol.  He's at the stage where he wants Mama all the time, Dad, not so much.  He didn't realize they were gone really until Friday (they left on Wed) and he went to the bedrooms and was just looking to see where they were.  Not finding them he would toddle over to me and make a whahaha?!?!? and point to the empty rooms.  Seeing Mama on Skype made him happy so did having spaghetti for supper:

I got spaghetti in my!
 Mini-Me had a good time over the weekend too, we went to the Children's Museum (where he ruled at the Habitot!)  He loves running down the ramp and also playing with the blocks:

On  your Mark, Get set.....GO!
  Then on Sunday I baked cupcakes with Noah's help of course!  These were for my bake sale at work.  I work for the National Marrow Donor Program, and we are having a 5K to raise money for the Be the Match Foundation, which is responsible for maintaining the National Bone Marrow Registry.  If you need a bone marrow transplant, we help find the correct match for you.  So I was making these delicious cupcakes (filled no less!) and Noah was the taste tester:

They tasted even better than they looked!

Noah agreed too he got to eat one!  The bake sale at work was a success, we ended up making $363.50.  Grand total for my Team is $1948!  Proud to say that my Team is in the #1 spot for funds raised. 
So that was a great achievement a week ago from today, and also Maria and Emma came home!  The house wasn't a mess, I had done the laundry, the only thing that I hadn't got while they were gone was sleep.  Noah didn't like Mama being gone and didn't sleep thru the night the whole time they were gone.  Needless to say very happy to see Mama again! 

Ok that brings me to Part 2 which will be posted tomorrow, more running/swimming/biking hilarity I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the fundraising! Both of my children want "Mommy" when she's not around. Of course, they want "Daddy" when I'm not around. Looking forward to Part 2.
